Sunday, November 12, 2006


In today's [12/11/06] Star under the headline "Council: It's the sexy dress", Penang Municipal Council president, Datuk Abu Bakar Hassan was quoted as responding to a complaint that the closed-curcuit television camera in City Hall was zooming onto the thighs of women journalists instead of council proceedings, "The issue is the sexy dress worn by the journalist. If it was not sexy, the incident would not have arisen."
Datuk Abu Bakar reminds me of the dim-wit politician who declared that women get raped because they go about flaunting their physical attributes in sexy dresses. Why is that in the 21st century we still have such morons running our country? Does the biggest political party in the country have to dig into the bottom of the barrel and come up with people like Datuk Abu Bakar to be president of the Municipal Council? Datuk Abu Bakar should be proper attire consultant to Wanita and Puteri UMNO since he is such an expert on what constitutes a sexy dress! Posted by Picasa

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