Sunday, February 19, 2006


Because the guardians of our morals deem it, Brokeback Mountain is banned and Malaysians will not get to see it, legally any way, although the DVD version is easily available by the roadside at RM4 a copy. The film that won Ang Lee the Golden Globe award for the best Director is about 2 bisexuals who lead perfectly happy married lives with their wives and children but who meet up once in a blue moon to have a kinky relationship in the beautiful mountains of Wyoming. In my opinion Brokeback Mountain is better classified as a travelogue and the Golden Globe award should have been given for Best Cinematography. I think a lot of people would enjoy the breathtaking vistas of the beautiful Wyoming mountains more than the occasional frolicking of two grown men. I find it ridiculous that anybody should think that Brokeback Mountain would have adverse influence on the morals of Malaysians! God forbid that Malaysians should live not knowing that there are heterosexuals, homosexuals and bisexuals and the difference between them. Posted by Picasa

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