Wednesday, December 07, 2005



In the wake of the hullabaloo over the naked Chinese woman being made to do the "ear squat" by the Police, the DIGP's response to the public outcry and Deputy Minister Noh's "foot-in-the-mouth" press statement regarding disgruntled tourists, it was refreshing to read today's Star's front page piece entitled "PM applauds Nicol and family".
Many people have called on the Government to reward Nicol with a datukship, pointing out, probably with a tinge of wicked humour, that a certain Penang state resident who had swum across the English channel with a remarkably slow time was rewarded with a datukship. However, the PM has rightly pointed out that Nicol's achievement was as much to her credit as it is to her parents' credit because they must have made a great deal of sacrifice in nurturing the world squash champion. Pak Lah even compared "Pak David" with "Pak Sidek" and like Pak Sidek who was awarded with a Datukship for producing badminton champions in his children, it is only right that due recognition be given to Pak David. The Penang state government should give him a datukship. I'm sure Nicol will be most happy for her dad to receive this recognition. Posted by Picasa

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