Friday, July 29, 2005

INDIA 22.8.04 - 28.8.04

We went on a tour of northern India from 22.8.04 - 28.8.04, covering New Delhi, Jaipur and Agra, primarily to see the Taj Mahal, one of the wonders of the world. The hotels were good and the food, nearly every meal, was Indian food except for one meal when we were taken to a Chinese restaurant where we were given Chinese food, cooked Indian style. However, Indian food in India does not contain as much chilli oil as the mamak food we get locally and it was therefore kinder to the stomach. Apart from the Taj Mahal, we were also taken to several forts and palaces, all of which were still in a very well-preserved condition and very beautiful. The Taj Mahal did not disappoint, it is as beautiful as the text books have described it and to guard it against environmental pollution, our bus, just as all other buses, had to stop some distance away from the monument and we were transported by electric buses for the rest of the way. Just as in Cambodia, the world beyond our hotel perimeter in India was greatly in contrast with the luxury and opulence of modern living. Even in New Delhi rubbish was everywhere and the better shopping areas we were taken to were nothing compared to the malls in our country. Nevertheless, the aim of the tour was not to shop but to see one of the wonders of the world and the other historical places which India had to offer.

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