Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I was at the Botanical Gardens in Penang one day when I came across an Australian gentleman taking a keen interest in the monkeys there. Out of curiosity I asked him whether his interest in the monkeys was because there were no monkeys in his country. His reply was, "Yes, we do have monkeys in Australia but they are in the zoos and in Parliament!"
The "Comparison of Punishment" table in the front page of this morning's Star makes me wonder whether we also have monkeys in our Parliament. "Up to three years' jail and a maximum fine of RM20,000 for not carrying Mycard" as compared to "up to a year's jail or a maximum fine of RM2,000 or both" for wrongful confinement makes a mockery of our laws and monkeys of those people responsible for the promulgation of such laws! The Home Affairs Minister and his Deputy should be rounded up and sent to the Botanical Gardens in Penang. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Techblogy said...

Yes, we have.
There are lots of monkey, and always come out with some ideas and words that can't make sense, and we do not know how they think (as they are monkey :P)
