Friday, June 23, 2006


In today's Star, headlined "Quail farmer a PHD holder", Dr Asmawi with a PhD in corporate management, returned from England two years ago, went into quail farming last year after having failed to secure a job. There was a time when a tertiary education obtained in England was held in high regard. Malaysians used to look down on graduates from local universities but looked up to those who got their degrees from England. Looks like Dr Asmawi's failure to get a job in 2 years despite having a PhD from England goes to prove that either employers in Malaysia are no longer impressed with a degree from England or that a person with such a degree is no longer automatically marketable in the job market. Either way our Government should seriously look into the viability of sending our students to England. Each time a student like Dr Asmawi, assuming that he was on a Government scholarship, returns from England and fails to find a job, a fortune invested in his tertiary education is irrecoverable. What a waste! Posted by Picasa


Kenny Lee said...

who care when you have high qualification in studies and dunno how to work

multidimid said...

You do not need a PhD in 'corporate management". Just common sense will do!

Chasingmybluecheese said...

ah....Actually i have to sympathy for Dr Asmawi for not having a job. His heart must be feeling very bad.