(Picture taken witn Sony Ericsson K800i in macro mode)
In today's Star, under the headline "Avoid gag orders, govt urged", the Kota Bahru MP, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, was quoted as saying,
"I would have thought that, if the CPPS bumiputra equity figure of 45% is accurate, the government and UMNO should be pleased that their policies have succeeded and take credit for that."
I bet Datuk Zaid Ibrahim is not a graduate of Oxford University, unlike the famous son-in-law, and yet he showed superior intelligence in coming up with such a brilliant conclusion. In continuing he said,
"The irony is maybe they don't want to reveal the actual figure so that they can keep on asking for more."
If only more of our MP's could come up with such an astute analysis there will be greater hope for our beloved country. The favourite response from our Barisan MP's, and that includes our DPM, when they have nothing concrete to offer is to tell all and sundry that "there should not be any further dispute" and use the threat of racial "discord" as the ultimate weapon to end all argument.
Datuk Zaid Ibrahim said, "This must be about the sixth time we've been told we can't talk about something this year."
"We are told that we will one day reach the NEP target; does that mean we can only talk about it then?"
Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, who had just returned from Prague, continued, "It was a shock to come back and hear we aren't supposed to discuss or dispute the government's equity figures. What will it be the next time - no discussion on the haze and the API because it would affect national security?"
The man does not only have intelligence but he also has a sense of humour! If you compare him with the guy who wants to turn the "mat rempits" into "mat cemerlangs", the other guy looks an absolute idiot. If more MP's think like Datuk Zaid Ibrahim there is light at the end of the tunnel.